It’s a boy. Congratulations! Your dream becomes real. Then choosing a baby name for your baby boy or baby girl is the other responsibility of yours and one of the important decisions you have to take in your lives. Normally social security administration releases top 100 or top 1,000 baby names in every years. Names are changing according to so many things. Different countries, traditions, cultures use thousands of baby boy names for their children. Browse Names with meaning Alphabetically also!

A B C D E F G H  I  J  K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Boy Names by Country

Boy Names by Country

Different countries have different traditions, cultures, attitudes, trending, and favours. Some people are choosing a name for a baby boy, according to the country. Some countries use straightforward baby names for boys. But some countries use very complicated names. They are challenging to pronounce also. You can choose the right name for your little prince by the country name.

Some parents look for a name for their baby boy with different letters. Some people like names start with the letter ‘A’ or ‘K’ or something. In some Asian countries, parents believe in astrology. So they look a name for their baby boy by a letter which had given by the astrologer. You can choose a name easily by Alphabetic order.

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Boy Names Uncommon

Boy Names Uncommon

Boys are very proud. So they always like to have something unique and uncommon which hasn’t anyone. Name also like this. Every boy wants to have a unique name. So some parents are searching uncommon names for their baby boys.

  1. Bronislaw (fame) is a glorious defender.
  2. Inadim (other Russian), there is a bully, troublemaker.
  3. Valentine (lat) – healthy.
  4. Valerian (lat) – strong.
  5. Valery (lat.) – healthy, secure.
  6. Basil (Greek) – regal.
  7. Vincent (lat.) – victorious, overcoming.
  8. Victor (lat.) It is the winner.
  9. Vissarion (Greek) – forest.
  10. Vitaliy (lat.) – vital, living.
  11. Witold (Polish) is a forest ruler.
  12. Vladimir – the ruler of the world.
  13. Vladislav – glorified, owning glory.
  14. Vlas (Church. Vlasius) – simple, rude.
  15. Voldemar (lat.) – a famous, well-known ruler.
  16. Vsevolod (Slav.) – owning everything.
  17. Vyacheslav – more glorious, glorified.
  18. Avril (etc. Heb..) – God’s husband.
  19. Helium (Greek) – solar.
  20. Gennady (Greek) – noble, noble.

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Nicknames For Guys

Nicknames For Guys

Boys are not like girls. They always like to spend their time with friends. And some time boy’s nickname is accessible more than the real name. Some people like their nicknames more than the real name. A fantastic nickname will bring to your boy popularity.

  1. Spartak (Greek) is a resident of Sparta.
  2. Stanislav – become glorious.
  3. Stepan (church. Stephen) (Greek) – a wreath.
  4. Sysoy (other Heb.) – the sixth.
  5. Taras (church. Tarasius) (Greek) – a restless, worried, rebel.
  6. Terenty (lat.) – a generic name meaning “to grind bread.”
  7. Timothy (Greek) – worshiping God.
  8. Timur (Mongolian. Through Turkic.) – iron.
  9. Titus (lat.) – revered.
  10. Tikhon (Greek) – happy.
  11. Tryphon (Greek) – to live in luxury.
  12. Trofim (Greek) is a pet.
  13. Fadey (church. Thaddeus) (other Heb.) – praise.
  14. Fedor (church. Theodore) (Greek) – a gift of God.
  15. Fedosius (Church of Theodosius) (Greek) – given by God.
  16. Felix (lat.) – happy.
  17. Theoctist (lat.) – created by God.
  18. Ferapont (Greek) is a servant.
  19. Ferdinand (German) is an army, courageous.
  20. Filaret (Greek) is one who loves virtue.

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Best Boy Names

Best Boy Names

Every parent the second dream after their newborn, a baby boy is choosing the best name for their prince. The best name gives him, fortunately. According to the name that you provide for your baby boy, a lot of things will change in his life in the future. So choose the best boy names for your prince.

  1. Karl (other German.) – courageous, courageous.
  2. Carp (Greek) – fruit.
  3. Caspar (Pers.) – Treasurer.
  4. Kim is the new Russian abbreviation: communist. Youth international coincided with the Korean name.
  5. Cyrus (Greek) – master, strong.
  6. Cyril (Persian) – the sun, the little master (Greek).
  7. Klim (Clement) (lat.) – gracious.
  8. Kondraty (other Germanic) is a brave consul.
  9. Constantine (lat.) – constant, unchanging.
  10. Roots (church. Cornelius) (lat.) – horned.
  11. Cornelius (church. Cornelius) (lat.) – horned.
  12. Kuzma (Church Cosmas) (Greek) – decorated.
  13. L Avr (lat.) – Laurel tree.
  14. Lawrence (lat.) – Derived from Laurels, crowned with laurels.
  15. Lazarus (dr. Heb.) – assistant god.
  16. Leo (lat.) – lion.
  17. Leonid (lat.) – a lion cub similar to Leo.
  18. Leonty (lat.) – Lion.
  19. Leopold (German) is a brave person.
  20. Lukyan (Luke) (church. Lucian) (lat.) – bright.

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Celtic Boy Names

Celtic Boy Names

Celtic names have a musical and magical feel. These name origin from Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England. But most of the new modern Celtic names are unisex, and they are tough to pronounce. You also can give your baby boy a Celtic related name.

  1. Milan – dear
  2. Miron – the fragrant
  3. Michael – like god
  4. Moses – saved from the water
  5. Nikita is the winner
  6. Odysseus – angry
  7. Oliver – warrior
  8. Oscar – deer lover
  9. Ostap – steady
  10. Patrick – nobleman
  11. Peter – stone
  12. Plato – broad-shouldered
  13. Preston – a village of the priest
  14. Ratibor – the chosen warrior
  15. Richard – rich in heart or brave sovereign
  16. Rob – famous
  17. Robert – brilliant
  18. Ruslan – lion
  19. Timothy – revered
  20. Thomas – twin

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Cute Boy Names

cute boy names

Boys are rough. But some boys have cuteness with a strong personality. If you have a cute guy, surely you are searching a cute guy name for him. Some parents love to give a cute name for their baby boy.

  1. Aladdin – Sublime Faith
  2. Angel – angel
  3. April – Opening
  4. Fornication – slutty, unkind
  5. Bogor – a gift from God
  6. Buddha – Awakened, Enlightened
  7. Vedagoras – Veda + mountains.
  8. Will – Free
  9. Casper – Imperial
  10. Cosmos – space, the universe
  11. Krishna – black, dark
  12. Lenin – Soviet Lenin Vladimir Ilyich
  13. March – dedicated to Mars
  14. Mercury – Name of the ancient Roman God of bidding
  15. Messiah is the messenger
  16. Nero – black, dark-skinned
  17. Ogneslav – fire, and glory
  18. Prince – first, main, best
  19. Sterling – Silver Penny
  20. Talon – claw, claws, paw with claws

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Middle Names For Boys

Middle Names For Boys

Some people like to use a straightforward name. And another one like to use more complicated. Every parent wishes to give a unique middle name to his/her son as the first one. Sometimes in the future, your son will love the middle name more than the first name.

  1. Erofei (church. Hierotheos) (Greek) – sanctified by God.
  2. Yefim (Greek) – complacent.
  3. Ephraim (other Heb.) – prolific.
  4. Jak (French) – Jacob.
  5. Jean (French) – Ivan.
  6. Georges (French) – George.
  7. Zahar (church Zachariah) (other Heb.) – God’s memory, servant of God.
  8. Zinovy ​​(Greek) – God willingly lives, the power of God.
  9. Zlatomir – the golden world.
  10. Zosima (Greek) – secure in life, vital.
  11. Advan (church John) (other Heb.) – God’s grace, the thanksgiving of God.
  12. Ignatius (lat.) – unknown, fiery.
  13. Igor (from Scandinavsk. Ingvar) – defender.
  14. Ishmael (church Ismail) (other Heb.) – “God hears.”
  15. Izyaslav – “take the glory.”
  16. Hilarion (Greek) – cheerful, clear.
  17. Ilya (Church. Elijah) (other Heb.) – God’s power.
  18. Immanuel (Heb.) – “God is with us.”
  19. Joseph (other Heb.) – “multiplied.”
  20. Hippolytus (Greek) – pulling horses.

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Hot Guy Names

Hot Guy Names

Every name has a meaning. But sometimes we do not consider the purpose. We believe only what we hear. Most girls like boys who have a hot guy name. The name is also a reason for the attraction to the opposite sex. So your boy has a hot guy name he will feel happy about that in the future.

  1. Lubomyr (fame) is a loving world.
  2. Ludwig (German) – glory, battle.
  3. Mabry (Greek) – black.
  4. Makar (Greek) – blessed, happy.
  5. Maxim (lat.) – the greatest.
  6. Matvey (church. Matthew) (other Heb.) – “gift of God.”
  7. Methodius (Greek) – purposeful.
  8. Miron (Greek) – from – dripping with incense oil – myrrh.
  9. Michael (other Heb.) – equal to God.
  10. Modest (lat.) – modest.
  11. Moses (Egypt.) – taken from the water, extracted from the sea.
  12. Mstislav (glor.) – a glorious defender.
  13. Nazard (Church. Nazarius) (other Heb.) – “dedicated to God.”
  14. Naum (other Heb.) – consolation.
  15. Nestor (Greek) – recalling the house, will give birth to
  16. Nikander (Greek) – a victorious man.
  17. Nikita (Greek) is the winner.
  18. Nicephorus (Greek) – Victorious.
  19. Nicodemus (Greek) – conquering the nations.
  20. Nicholas (Greek) – the winner of the peoples.

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Arabic Boy Names

Arabic Boy Names

Children are the coolness of our eyes, and they give us happiness. So the name they have increases that love. If you in an Arabic country or you are related to Islam, you are searching for a name for your newborn baby. Arabic names are different from other names. They follow a different culture. By the name, we can identify if he is an Arabian.

  1. Delilah (Arabic) – accurate, correct, truthful, conductor (indicating the road).
  2. Damir – (Arab) conscience, mind; (Turk) derivative of “thimer-dimer” – iron; persistent
  3. Danil ( Daniil ) (dr.-Heb. – Arabic.) – a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge
  4. Danis (Pers.) – knowledge, science.
  5. Danif (Arab.) – The sun is declining.
  6. Daniyaz (Arabic.-Pers.) – desire, need, need, a necessity.
  7. Daniyar (Persian) – smart, prudent, sensible.
  8. Daujan (Turk.) – generous.
  9. Daulat ( Davlet ) – wealth, country, happiness.
  10. Daut ( Daoud ) (Arabic) – beloved, disposing to himself.
  11. Dahi (Pers.) – the owner of excellent knowledge, anticipating a great writer.
  12. Dayan (Arabic) – a retributor for the deed, the great judge. One of the names of the Highest.
  13. Dzhambulat – Bulat (Arab.) – solid; Djan (Turk.) – soul.
  14. Jamil (Arabic) is beautiful.
  15. Dilar (pers.) – sincere, cordial; comforter.
  16. Dindar (Persian-Arabic.) – Very God-fearing.
  17. Zobit (Finished) (Arabic) – officer; rule, system, order, control.
  18. Zubair (Arab.) – Strong, smart.
  19. Inner (Arabic-Tatar) – make sure.
  20. Insan (Arabic) is a man.

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Unique Boy Names

Unique Boy Names

A boy should have a strong personality. To develop a character, finding the perfect name is also an essential thing. If a boy has a unique name that no one has this name is proud of them. So parents try to give their boys a unique name.

  1. Potap (Greek) – where did it come from
  2. Prov (church. Provius) (lat.) – honest, kind.
  3. Proclus (lat.) – born in the absence of a father.
  4. Prokofiy (lat.) – successful.
  5. Protas (Greek) – pushing, setting.
  6. Prokhor (Greek) – the head of the choir, sang.
  7. Radimir – take care of the world.
  8. Radislav (glory.) – To rejoice for glory.
  9. Radislav (fame) – for the sake of popularity.
  10. Radomir – the joy of the world.
  11. Raymond (English, German) – advice, dominate.
  12. Renat (lat.) – newly born.
  13. Richard (English, German) – strong, courageous, king, powerful sovereign.
  14. Robert (French, German) – glory; bright, brilliant.
  15. Radion (lat.) – a resident of Rhodes.
  16. Roland (German) – glory, country.
  17. Roman (lat.) – Roman.
  18. Romeo (lat.) – Pilgrim.
  19. Rostislav (fame) is growing fame.
  20. Ruben (lat.) – blushing.

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Popular Boy Names

Popular Boy Names

A Popular baby boy name sometimes gives a new start to a baby boy. If the name is popular, lots of people know it. So it is not difficult to memorize. Like this because of many reasons some parents like to give their baby boy a famous name. Have a look at some popular names for boys.

  1. Nikonor (Greek) – conquering.
  2. Nifont (Greek) – sober, prudent.
  3. Olay (Scandinavian.) – a saint.
  4. Onisius (Greek) – excellent.
  5. Onufriy (Greek) – rising.
  6. Oscar (English / German) is a divine spear.
  7. Otto (German) – wealth.
  8. Pavel (lat.) – small.
  9. Pankrat (Greek) is omnipotent.
  10. Panteleimon (Greek) is all-merciful.
  11. Panfil (Greek) – beloved by all.
  12. Patricius (church. Patricius) (lat.) – the descendant of a nobleman.
  13. Paphnutius (Greek) is fat.
  14. Groin (Greek) – broad-shouldered.
  15. Peresvet (senior Russian) – very bright.
  16. Peter (Greek) – stone, rock.
  17. Pimen (Greek) – shepherd, shepherd.
  18. Plato (Greek) – full, wide.
  19. Polycarpus (Greek) – multiple.
  20. Porphyry (Greek) – purple.

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Old Fashioned Boy Names

Old Fashioned Boy Names

Do you know a saying ‘Old is Gold’? Sometimes we found good things in old things more than new ones. Some parents have lovely memories of the past. So they love their minds, and they decided to give a name to their son related to that past.

  1. Mark – marquise, hammer; dedicated to God Mars
  2. Matvey – a gift from God, a gift from Yahweh (God), God’s man
  3. Michael – an equal, like God, requested from God
  4. Agape – beloved
  5. Agapion – beloved
  6. Agafon – kind, noble
  7. Aglai – brilliant, magnificent, beautiful
  8. Agniy – pure, immaculate
  9. Adrian – a resident of Adria
  10. Azarius – God’s help
  11. Akaki – the evil-minded
  12. Ambrose – immortal, divine
  13. Amos – laden, bearing the burden,
  14. Amur – love
  15. Ananias – the grace of God
  16. Anastasius – resurrected, reborn
  17. Anikiy – victory
  18. Anisy – fulfillment, completion, useful
  19. Antigonos – instead of someone, child
  20. Antipus – stubborn, strong

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Classic Boy Names

Classic Boy Names

Are you a person who loves classical things? It gives an extraordinary value. The classic boy name memorizes us the past stuff. So if you choose an ancient name for your newborn boy, the boys will be a reason for spreading those traditions one day. Some times a traditional name will give your baby a new beauty.

  1. Eugraph – well-drawn, hand-written handsome
  2. Yevdokim – surrounded by a good reputation, honor
  3. Evlampy – beautifully glowing
  4. Evmeny – gracious, merciful
  5. Eusebius – pious
  6. Eustace – a permanent, stable, balanced
  7. Eustace – magnificently eared
  8. Yevstigney – a good sign
  9. Eustratus is a good warrior
  10. Eutyches is a happy
  11. Yegor – the landowner
  12. Elepheri is free
  13. Elizar is God’s help
  14. Elisha is God saved
  15. Emelyan is an affectionate, friendly, cheerful
  16. Epiphanes – famous, glorious
  17. Erasmus – belove
  18. Erastus – beloved
  19. Yeremey – messenger
  20. Yermak – a messenger of the people

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Roman Boy Names

Roman Boy Names

What do you feel when you hear about Rome? Admittedly, I think a Romantic feeling. A Roman name gives your boy a romantic mood. For boys, there are more attractive Roman boy names. Your baby will like his name very much in the future.

  1. Milan – dear
  2. Milen – dear
  3. Miletus – a city on the northern coast of Crete
  4. Milius – apple
  5. Milovan – caress, take care
  6. Miron – exuding fragrant peace, fragrant
  7. Mitrofan – mother’s glory, having a glorious mother
  8. Micah – who is like God
  9. Modest – humble
  10. Mokey – mocker, mocking
  11. Mokiy – mocker
  12. Nazar is dedicated to God. The name of the Jewish town Nazareth
  13. Nathan – the God, gave
  14. Naum – consolation
  15. Nestor – returning home,
  16. Nikander – victorious warrior
  17. Nikanor – victor
  18. Nikita – victor
  19. Nikifor – victorious, victor
  20. Nikon – victor

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Cool Male Names

Cool Male Names

The boys are very cool. They like to spend their time relax and cool. So if they have a cool name, it is also a pleasure for them. Parents love to give their baby boy a cool name. It might keep the boy’s mind relax.

  1. Kim (other Heb.) – God approved.
  2. Alexander (Greek) is the protector of people.
  3. Alexey (Greek) – assistant (Alexy).
  4. Anastasius (Greek) – resurrected.
  5. Anatoly (Greek) – sunrise, east.
  6. Andrey (Greek) – courageous.
  7. Anikei (Greek) – victory.
  8. Anton is the Russian form of the name of Anthony.
  9. Anthony (lat.) – join the battle.
  10. Aristarchus (Greek) – the highest boss.
  11. Arkady (Greek) is a resident of Arcadia, a shepherd.
  12. Arnold (Greek) – the reigning eagle.
  13. Arseny (Greek) – courageous.
  14. Artem (Artemy) (Greek) – unscathed, healthy.
  15. Arthur (Celt.) – Big bear.
  16. Athanasius (Greek) – immortal.
  17. Ahmad (Arabic) is the most glorious.
  18. Bogdan – given by God.
  19. Boris (Slav.) – short for Borislav.
  20. Borislav (glor.) – a great fighter.

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Strong Boy Names

Strong Boy Names

Boys are strong. They should have a great personality more than a girl. If you can give your baby boy a strong name, which offers the most energetic feeling, you are a winner. I will be an excellent advantage for your boy in the future.

  1. Ruslan (Arabic) – lion.
  2. Rustam (Persian) is a hero.
  3. Savva (Greek, Latin) is a resident of the city of Saba.
  4. Savvy (other Heb.) – Saturday.
  5. Saveliy (other Heb.) – welcome.
  6. Samson (church. Sampson) (other Heb.) – solar.
  7. Samuel (Heb.) – His name is God.
  8. Svetozar – illuminated by light.
  9. Svetomir – a bright world.
  10. Svyatoslav – holy glory.
  11. North (lat.) – strict.
  12. Selivan (lat.) – from the forest god.
  13. Seliverst (lat.) – forest, wild.
  14. Semyon (church. Simeon) (other Heb.) – God heard.
  15. Seraphim (other Heb.) – fiery.
  16. Sergei (Church Sergius) (lat.) – Roman generic name of the VI century. BC.
  17. Sigismund (Greek) – who defends with the victory.
  18. Sidor (Greek) (Isidore) – a gift from Isis, the Egyptian goddess.
  19. Socrates (Greek) – retaining power.
  20. Solomon (other Heb.) – peaceful

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Hispanic Boy Names

Hispanic Boy Names

Hispanic boy names feel romantic and laid back. But their meanings give the steady royal and religious path, which makes them a super popular pick for new parents. If you are going for something trendy, it’s a great thing. But you don’t want to stay far from traditional. The new ones are also variations of the old ones.

  1. Bazhen (dr.) – Saint
  2. Benedict (old) – blessed
  3. Bogdan – given by God
  4. Boeslav – glorified in battle
  5. Boleslav – more glorious
  6. Boromir – fighting for peace
  7. Boris (old) – “fighter”
  8. Borislav – fighting for glory
  9. Bronislav – glorious defender
  10. Budimir (dr.) – peace-loving
  11. Bulat (new) – “strong”
  12. Gennady ( old.) – noble
  13. Henry, Heinrich
  14. George (old) – farmer
  15. German (old) – native
  16. Gleb (old, other Russian) – big, tall
  17. Gordey / Gordy – proud
  18. Granite (new) – “firm”
  19. Gregory (old) – not sleeping
  20. Daniil / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) – “God’s judgment”

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English Boy Names

English Boy Names

What do you think about the English name for a boy? Is it bad? No. I know many people like to give their boy an English name. An English name gives your baby boy a modern and fashionable feeling. Choose an English name for your baby boy also.

  1. Laurel – laurel tree
  2. Lavrenti – crowning with laurels
  3. Larion – cheerful, joyful
  4. Leon – lion
  5. Leonard – lion
  6. Leont – lion
  7. Leonty – lion
  8. Liver – free, free
  9. Luke – bright, glowing
  10. Lukyan – bright, light
  11. Lucky – light, luminous
  12. Loop – wolf
  13. Mari is the sea
  14. Mark is the hammer, dry, withered
  15. Markell is the warlike
  16. Martyn – dedicated to the war god Mar
  17. Matvey – a gift of God
  18. Meletius – caring
  19. Meliton – honey
  20. Methodius – to trace, search

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Black Boy Names

Black Boy Names

Is black an ugly color? No. Black is a unique color, and it has so many meanings. There are some newborn baby boys with chocolate color. But they are very handsome. They have a unique personality. A name related to black color or a name the meaning of the name referred to black is more suitable for these chocolate black boys.

  1. Khariton – generous, grateful
  2. Kharlampy – shining with love and joy
  3. Chrysanthus – gold flower
  4. Christopher – Christ-bearer, anointed to the kingdom
  5. Celestine – Heavenly
  6. Edward – property, protection of
  7. Elim – dumbness, the silence of
  8. Emilius – affectionate, flattering
  9. Erast – lovely, sweet;
  10. Ernest in love – serious, strict
  11. Juvenal – always young
  12. Julian – from the clan Julius
  13. Julius – curly, sheaf
  14. Just – fair
  15. Justinian – fair
  16. Jacob – Follows Someone
  17. Jan – Grace of God
  18. Flavian – derived from a kind of Flavian (or freedman)
  19. Phlegon – burning, burning
  20. Frol – blooming

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Biblical Boy Names

Biblical Boy Names

All the parents try to make their baby boy’s paths according to their religion. And some parents are very close to religion. And they do all the things in their life according to the bible. So at those times for newborn baby also they like to give a biblical name.

  1. Filat (Greek) – God-protected.
  2. Filimon (Greek) is beloved.
  3. Philip (Greek) – loving horses.
  4. Thomas (dr. Heb.) – twin.
  5. Frederick (German) – rich.
  6. Frol (church. Flor) (lat.) – blooming.
  7. Xariton (Greek) – gracious.
  8. Christopher (Greek) – Christ-bearer.
  9. Harls (English) – husband, man.
  10. Edgar (German) – property, spear.
  11. Edmund (German) – property, protection.
  12. Eduard (German) is a guardian of possessions and property.
  13. Eugene (French) is beautiful.
  14. Eldar (Pers.) – ruler of the country.
  15. Emil – see Emelyan.
  16. Emmanuel (Heb.) – God is with us.
  17. Erast (Greek) – loving.
  18. Eric (German) is the venerable leader.
  19. Ernest (Ernst) (other German.) – convinced, serious.
  20. Lian (Lat.) – Julio, Julia belongs.

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Unusual Boy Names

Unusual Boy Names

If a boy has a unique name when someone is calling him that no one else there will have a name, really he will feel proud. It might help to develop a great personality also. So parents always search for unusual names for their sons. Choose the best name for your world. Here is a list of baby names..

  1. Henry (other germs.) – the head of the house.
  2. George (Greek) is a farmer.
  3. Herald (germ.) – wielding a spear.
  4. German (lat.) – uterine, native.
  5. Gleb (German / glor.) – presented to God.
  6. Gregory (Greek) – Awake, alert.
  7. Gustav (Germany) – military council.
  8. David (Davyd) (dr. Heb.) – beloved.
  9. Daniel (al. Heb.) – God is my judge.
  10. Denis (church. Dionysius) (Greek) – on behalf of Dionysus, the god of wine and fun.
  11. Dmitry (church. Demetrius) (Greek) – dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of fertility.
  12. Evgeniy (Greek) – noble.
  13. Evgraf (Greek) – well written.
  14. Eulampius (Greek) – prosperous.
  15. Eusebius (Church Eusebius) (Greek) – pious.
  16. Egor is the Russian version of the name George.
  17. Emelyan (church. Emilian) (lat.) – diminutive of Emil; rival.
  18. Yeremey (other Heb.) – exalted by God.
  19. Ermak – decomp. Form of the name of Yermolai.
  20. Yermolai (Greek) – the people of Hermes (Hermes).

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One Syllable Boy Names

One Syllable Boy Names

When you are choosing a name for your baby boy, one thing you have to consider is the number of syllables of the name. A lot of times, a short name brings you fortunate more than a long name. Today a lot of people like to use names with a minimum number. Choose a one-syllable name for your baby boy also.

  1. Jay
  2. Dan
  3. Si
  4. Lee
  5. Ken
  6. Tom
  7. Gen
  8. Sam
  9. Nil
  10. Cam
  11. Mon
  12. Zin
  13. Jem
  14. Tan
  15. Dell
  16. Kem
  17. Don
  18. Noor
  19. Pop
  20. Gin

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Flower Names For Boys

Flower Names For Boys

Sometimes you feel cuteness is not suitable for a boy. You think a boy should have a strong name. Not a cute one. But Flower Names For Boys can give a boy a new feeling and cuteness. Flower names, we normally use to our closest persons. It helps us to express our love also.

  1. Shishio – the scary lion
  2. Eden – bliss, paradise, joy
  3. Eros – Cupid, the Romans Cupid
  4. Pit – a sworn enemy
  5. Oleg – sacred, holy
  6. Pavel – modest, younger, insignificant
  7. Roman – Roman, from Rome, Roman
  8. Ruslan – lion; light brown
  9. Sergey – a noble, high
  10. Stanislav – who established glory, became glorious
  11. Stepan – a wreath, crown, crown
  12. Timothy – worshiping God
  13. Timur – iron
  14. Fedor – God’s gift
  15. Yuri – a farmer
  16. Yaroslav – glorious vitality
  17. Cyril – Lord, lord, sun
  18. Konstantin – constant, persistent
  19. Lion – lion, king of beasts
  20. Maxim – the greatest

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Bad Boy Names

Bad Boy Names

In childhood, also boys are worse than girls. Bad meaning they very naughty and always trying to do something which their parents say not to do. It’s a cute badness. So your baby boy has bad boy names. It also can be a reason to get more love from others.

  1. Florentine – blooming
  2. Florian – blooming
  3. Foka – seal
  4. Thomas – twin
  5. Faustus – auspicious, happy
  6. Thaddeus – praise
  7. Falaley – blooming olive
  8. Thalassios – marine, skilled in navigation
  9. Fedot – God-given or dedicated to the gods of
  10. Felix – Happy
  11. Themistocles – famed for justice
  12. Fedosov – God-given or devoted to the gods
  13. Feklistov – God’s creation, the creation of
  14. Theophane – manifested gods
  15. Theophilus – Bogoljub
  16. Filaret – loving virtue
  17. Philemon – a favorite
  18. Fiers – decorated with flowers, grape, and branches
  19. Robert – glory, splendor, brilliance
  20. Rodion – pinkish, pink

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Vintage Boy Names

Vintage Boy Names

Vintage boy names are in style currently, combining the names with common origins with the freshness of one that hasn’t been heard for a significant length of time. Not all the vintage kid names make the style. For example, George and Theodore are being used as a name regularly. Here are the most beautiful vintage names.

  1. Oleg
  2. Velour
  3. Orest
  4. Benedict
  5. Benjamin
  6. Oscar
  7. Victor
  8. Paul
  9. Vissarion
  10. Palladium
  11. Athena

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Badass Names For Boys

Badass Names For Boy

Badass names for boys exude have, power, and confidence. They often have a bold, passionate, and unique sound that sets them apart from traditional names. These names are becoming increasingly popular among parents looking for names that reflect their son’s individuality and spirit. Whether inspired by popular culture, nature, or historical figures, badass names for boys are a great way to give your son a strong and memorable identity.

  1. Blaze
  2. Diesel
  3. Raven
  4. Blade
  5. Brody
  6. Maverick
  7. Wyatt
  8. Jaxon
  9. Riven
  10. Dante
  11. Knox
  12. Kai
  13. Hunter

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