As you probably are aware, we’re mostly child name fans here. So you can figure how energized we were if the Social Security Administration posted their official rundown of the best infant girl and boy names of a year. We were excited to see a few of our preferred names on the list. However, I wanted to consider precisely why these names turned out to be so well known. Let’s have a look at some of the Beautiful Boy Names That Start With E.
Name | Meaning | Origin |
Ea | Famous | Irish |
Eachan | Horseman | Irish |
Eamon | Protector | English |
Ean | God is gracious | Scottish |
Earl | Promise | English |
Earnest | Sincere | English |
Earvin | Friend of the sea | English |
Easton | From the eastern town | English |
Eaton | From the estate town by the river | English |
Ebal | Naked | Hebrew |
Eben | Stone | Hebrew |
Ebenezer | Foundation | Hebrew |
Eberhard | Courageous boar | German |
Ebilo | Hardy boar | German |
Ebner | Father of light | English |
Ebo | Born on a Tuesday | Fanti |
Eborico | Wild boar king | Sanish |
Ebrulf | Wild | Teutonic |
Eccelino | Like his father | Italian |
Eckhardt | Firm | German |
Ed | Happy | English |
Edan | Fire | Celtic |
Edbert | Prosperous | Old English |
Eddy | Happy | English |
Eden | Pleasure | Hebrew |
Edgar | Great spearman | English |
Edmond | Wealthy protector | English |
Edmund | Protector | English |
Edrei | Strong leader | Hebrew |
Edsel | Deep thinker | English |
Edur | Snow | Basque |
Edwald | Wealthy ruler | Old English |
Edwin | Prosperous friend | English |
Eehu | Rain | Australian |
Efrain | Fruitful | Hebrew |
Egan | Fiery | Irish |
Egerton | Egeton | English |
Egil | Awe-inspiring | Norwegian |
Egon | Formidable | German |
Ehud | Praised | Hebrew |
Eilif | Living forever | Norse |
Eion | God is gracious | Scottish |
Eirig | Happy | Welsh |
Eiros | Bright | Welsh |
Eisak | Laughter | Russian |
Ekon | Strength | Nigerian |
Elam | Highland | Hebrew |
Elbert | Noble | English/French/German |
Eldad | Beloved of God | Hebrew |
Elden | Wise | English |
Elder | Dweller | English |
Eldorado | Wise one | Spanish |
Eldridge | Powerful | English |
Eldwin | Old friend | Old english |
Elger | Noble spearer | German |
Eli | White | English |
Elika | Wealthy | Greek |
Eliot | The lord is my god | |
Elisha | God is my salvation | Hebrew |
Elizur | God is my rock | Hebrew |
Eljon | Going up | Syrian |
Elk | Large deer | American |
Elki | Hanging over the top | Moquelumnan |
Ellard | Brave | German |
Ellery | From the elder tree island | English |
Elman | Elm tree | German |
Elmar | Famous | English |
Elmo | Friendly | Greek |
Elmore | Moor | Old english |
Elonzo | Noble | Spanish |
Eloy | Chosen | Latin |
Elard | God rules | Hebrew |
Elroy | Royal | Latin |
Elsdon | From the noble one’s hill | Old english |
Elvio | Blond-haired | Spanish |
Elvy | Elf warrior | Old english |
Elwell | From the old stream | Old English |
Elwin | Friend of the elves | English |
Elwood | From the forest | Old English |
Emery | Industrious | Teutonic |
Emile | Hard working compliment giver | Gothic |
Emlyn | One who lives at the border | Welsh |
Emmanuel | God is with us | Hebrew |
Emmett | Hard working strong | Teutonic |
Emry | Honourable | Welsh |
Enan | Hammer | Welsh |
Emre | Brother | Turkish |
Enda | Bird | Irish |
Endor | Adorable | Hebrew |
Endre | Brave | Greek |
Endrikas | Ruler of the house | German |
Eneas | Praised | Greek |
Eneco | Fiery | Latin |
Engelbert | Bright angel | German |
Ennis | Only child | Greek |
Enoch | Dedicated | Hebrew |
Enos | Man | Hebrew |
Enright | The attacker’s son | Irish |
Enver | Handsome | Turkish |
Enyeto | Walking like a bear | Native American |
Enzi | Powerful | Swahili |
Ephraim | Extremely | Hebrew |
Eran | Vigilant | Hebrew |
Erasmus | loveable | Greek |
Erbert | Warrior | German |
Ercole | Great gift | Italian |
Erebus | Dark-haired | Greek |
Erhard | Strong | German |
Eriha | God | Maori |
Erin | Peace | Irish |
Erling | The noble one’s son | English |
Errando | Bold | Basque |
Esko | Leader | Finnish |
Este | From the east | Italian |
Ewald | Always powerful | Old english |
Ewen | Noble youth | Celtic |
Ewert | Herder of ewes | Old english |
Ewing | Law friend | English |
Exelby | Divine cauldron | English |
Eyar | Island Worrier | |
Eytan | Strong | Hebrew |
Eyver | Island of prudence | Hebrew |
Ezekial | Strength of God | Hebrew |
Ezra | Helper | Hebrew |
Premina Parker, is a parenting advisor. She is the author, most recently, parenting blog called Her work has helped Time win two National Magazine Awards.