Last Names & Surnames

Royal Last Names (2022)

Royal Surnames are personal recognition and pride, and connect the individual to their royal family? So letā€™s see beautiful following Royal Last Names.

 Best | A-Z French Names

The Best Last Names


Abel ā€“ breath or vigour

Adams ā€“ Son of Adam

Alden ā€“ an old friend

Appleton ā€“ apple enclosure

Ayer ā€“ heir

Adrian ā€“ the man from Adria

Augustus ā€“ Venerable

Adela ā€“ noble

Adelaide ā€“ noble natured

Agatha ā€“ Virtuous

Alice ā€“ noble person

Amelia ā€“ work

Anne ā€“ grace

Augusta ā€“ favoured with good omens

Abadie ā€“ priestā€™s house


Barber ā€“ who not only cut hair and gave shaves

Barclay ā€“ wood

Beverly ā€“ beaver stream

Binney ā€“ within the river

Brooke ā€“ at the brook

Brown ā€“ dark reddish complexion

Beatrice ā€“ she who brings happiness

Blanche ā€“ bright


Campbell ā€“ mouth

Carroll ā€“ valorous in battle

Chauncey ā€“ Fortune

Coleman ā€“ beautiful

Cooper -container

Charles ā€“ Strong

Cecily ā€“ blind

Charlotte ā€“ free man

Clementina ā€“ merciful


Davis ā€“ beloved

Dickinson ā€“ the son of Diccon

Darling ā€“ beloved one

Douglas ā€“ black stream

Dunbar ā€“ bright and breezy burg

Dorothea ā€“ gift of God


Edwards ā€“ son of prosperous guardian

Ellery ā€“ cheerful on

Ellis ā€“ Yahweh is God

Emmett ā€“ universal

Evans ā€“ Son of Evan

Edgar ā€“ prosperity, fortune

Edmund ā€“ prosperity

Edward ā€“ prosperous guardian

Ernest ā€“ fight

Emma ā€“ universal

Eugenie ā€“ nobility

Royal Last Names start with F

Farley ā€“ woodland clearing

Fleming ā€“ Flemish person

Forest ā€“ woodsman or woods

Frederick ā€“ power

Frances ā€“ a free man


Gardiner ā€“ Little clearing

George ā€“ farmer, earth-worker

Gerard ā€“ brave or strong

Geron ā€“ Guards

Gerry ā€“ spear

Gibson ā€“ noble youth

Graham ā€“ gravelly homestead

Geoffrey ā€“ peaceful pledge


Hamilton ā€“ From the Beautiful Mountain

Haynes ā€“ son of Haine

Herbert ā€“  Illustrious warrior

Hill ā€“ a person who lived on a hill

Howard ā€“ heart

Hume ā€“ a small island surrounded by streams

Harold ā€“ army power

Henry ā€“ Lord

Humphrey ā€“ peaceful warrior

Helen ā€“ Shining light


Irving ā€“ green

Isabella ā€“ pledged to God


Jackson ā€“ God is gracious

James ā€“ supplanter

Jenkins ā€“ little John

Johnson ā€“ son of John

Jasper ā€“ bringer of treasure

John ā€“ Graced by Yahweh

Joan ā€“ He who Jehovah has favoured

Judith ā€“ woman of Jewish woman


Kane ā€“ battle

Kennedy ā€“ misshapen head

Ker ā€“ brushwood

Key ā€“ the family lived near a dock

King ā€“ tribal leader


Louisa ā€“ Famous Warrior

Langdon ā€“ the long hill

Lawrence ā€“ bright one

Lee ā€“ clearing in the woods

Leonard ā€“ lion strength

Livingston ā€“ dear friendā€™s

Lioyd ā€“ grey

Leopold ā€“ brave people

Lionel ā€“ a lion


McCall ā€“ chief

McDonald ā€“ world ruler

Macalester ā€“ son of defender of men

Montgomery ā€“ man power

Morton ā€“ marsh, or moor

Margaret ā€“ pearl

Matilda ā€“ Mighty in battle

Maud ā€“ powerful battler


Nelson ā€“ champion

Nicholson ā€“ the son of the priest

Nixon ā€“ son of Nicholas

Norris ā€“ northerner

Nicholas ā€“ people of victory


Ocarroll ā€“ to hack

Ogle ā€“ hill

Opie ā€“ God

Royal Last Names start with P

Parsons ā€“ a priest

Patterson ā€“ Son of Pate

Peabody ā€“ peacock body

Pomeroy ā€“ apple orchard

Porter ā€“ gatekeeper

Pratt ā€“ cunning

Preston ā€“ village held by the Church

Philip ā€“ to love

Philippa ā€“ lover of horses


Quay ā€“ fire


Randolph ā€“ shield wolf

Read ā€“ red

Reeve ā€“ a local official

Robinson ā€“ son of Robin

Rogers ā€“ son of Roger

Richard ā€“ strong or brave leader

Robert ā€“ bright fame

Rupert ā€“ fame bright


Sanford ā€“ sandy ford

Shaw ā€“ small wood

Smith ā€“ to smite or strike

Sowden ā€“ a ruler

Stanley ā€“ dweller near a stony clearing

Stephen ā€“ crown or wreath

Sarah ā€“ the Princess

Sophia ā€“ Wisdom; wise


Taylor ā€“ clothed with salvation

Townsend ā€“ townā€™s end

Turner ā€“ tower

Tyler ā€“ one who makes tiles

Thomas ā€“ twin


Valentine ā€“ strong and healthy

Varson ā€“ anyone

Victor ā€“ The Conqueror

Victoria ā€“ Conqueror


Walker ā€“ one who ā€œwalkedā€ on raw

Watts ā€“ son of Walter

White ā€“ a person with very light hair

Whiting ā€“ fair one

Williams ā€“ desire protection

William ā€“ will protection


Young ā€“ The young one

Yoran ā€“ he will sing

Popular French Royal last Names


Abadie ā€“ priest Ireland

About ā€“ Stern father

Abreo ā€“ wise counselor

Alarie ā€“ And all is good

Allard ā€“ noble hardy

Anouilh ā€“ peacefulness

Archambeau ā€“ precious

Arsenault ā€“ a gunmaker

Aubert ā€“ noble-bright

Auch ā€“ night pasture

Auclair ā€“ clear

Auger ā€“ noble spear

Auguste ā€“ favored with good omens

Aveline ā€“ the hazelnut tree


Badeaux ā€“ a small farm

Bain ā€“ fair

Barbeau ā€“ fisherman

Barbet ā€“ son of Barbara

Bardin ā€“ barley

Barreau ā€“ Little barrel

Barrere ā€“ height

Bastien ā€“ from Sebastia

Baudelaire ā€“ to live at a place in the Air 

Bazin ā€“ royal

Beauchamp ā€“ lovely field

Beauchene ā€“ Nice oak

Beaufort ā€“ beautiful and robust fort

Beaulieu ā€“ fair place

Beaumont ā€“ lovely hill

Beauregard ā€“ beautiful place

Beausoleil ā€“ fair sun

Bechard ā€“ butcher

Bedeau ā€“ sergeant of justice

Bellamy ā€“ handsome friend

Bellefeuille ā€“ lovely leaf

Bellegarde ā€“ beautiful watch-tower or look-out

Belshaw ā€“ lovely face

Benoit ā€“ blessed

Berengar ā€“ bear and spear

Berger ā€“ a person who tends sheep

Bernard ā€“ strong or brave as a bear

Bernier ā€“ bear army

Bethune ā€“ traveller

Bibeau ā€“ a person lived near a hill or stream

Bissonnette ā€“ bush or scrub net

Blanc ā€“ White

Blanchard ā€“ bordering upon white

Blanchet ā€“ white

Bloyer ā€“ someone who separated the fibres

Boisseau ā€“ stocky man

Boivin ā€“ someone who drinks wine

Bonfils ā€“ the good son

Bonheur ā€“ a good time

Bonhomme ā€“ a kindly or friendly person

Bonnet ā€“ functional or attractive

Borde ā€“ a little house

Boucher ā€“ butcher

Boulanger ā€“ beautiful tall guy

Bourguignon ā€“ born in the beautiful region

Bruneau ā€“ the brown or dark-haired/skinned one

Bullion ā€“ foundation


Cadieux ā€“ little fighter

Camus ā€“ the snub-nosed one

Carbonneau ā€“ nickname for one with dark hair

Carpentier ā€“ worker or fixer of wood

Carre ā€“ low lying meadow

Carrel ā€“ maker of crossbow bolts

Cartier ā€“ a transporter of goods

Cellier ā€“ storeroom

Cerf ā€“ deer

Chapelle ā€“ chapel

Chappuis ā€“ a carpenter

Charbonnier ā€“ one who sales charcoal

Chastain ā€“ chestnut tree

Chatelain ā€“ a governor

Chevalier ā€“ knight

Chevrolet ā€“ a person who cultivated goats

Chopin ā€“ Composer

Clair ā€“ bright or clear

Cloutier ā€“ someone who made or sold nails

Collin ā€“ a young one

Comtois ā€“ free county

Corbin ā€“ a gift to or devoted to God

Courbet ā€“ painter

Courtemanche ā€“ short sleeve

Couture ā€“ seam

Crozier ā€“ a person who made such crosses


De la Cour ā€“ of the court

Deloney ā€“ from the descendant of a warrior

DeRose ā€“ a person with a rosy complexion

Descamps ā€“ of the fields

Desjardins ā€“ from the garden

Dupuis ā€“ from/of the well/spring/fountain

De la Croix ā€“ cross

Desmarais ā€“ from the marsh

De Villiers ā€“ from the villa

Droit ā€“ right

Dubois ā€“ wood

Dupont ā€“ dweller by the bridge

De la Rue ā€“ of the Street

Delisle ā€“ of the island

Durand ā€“ enduring


Edouard ā€“ prosperity-guard

Escoffier ā€“ to dress


Farrow ā€“ ironsmith

Faucher ā€“ a reaper or mower

Favre ā€“ a person who sold or grew beans

Fay ā€“ loyalty

Fontaine ā€“ water source

Forestier ā€“ forest

Fortier ā€“ someone employed at a fortress 

Fortin ā€“ a strong man

Fournier ā€“ oven

Fraise ā€“ strawberry

Frossard  ā€“ to break


Gagne ā€“ to cultivate or work in the land

Gagneux ā€“ to cultivate

Gagnon ā€“ cultivate

Garcon ā€“ boy

Garnier ā€“ designer

Gaudin ā€“ son of God

Gauthier ā€“ forest

Gay ā€“ full of joy

Geiger ā€“ a violin player or maker

Gerard ā€“ brave or strong

Gouin ā€“ white

Grange ā€“ someone who lived by a granary

Guillaume ā€“ resolute protector


Heroux ā€“ wolf army

Houde ā€“ wealth


Janvier ā€“ the month of January

Joubert ā€“ Godā€™s Peace

Jourdain ā€“ the son of Jordan


Kaplan ā€“ chaplain

Royal Last Names start with L

La Cour ā€“ the court

Laferriere ā€“ iron

Lafitte ā€“ dweller at a boundary stone or marker

Laflamme ā€“ the flame

Laframboise ā€“ raspberry

Lagarde ā€“ of the gardens

Lagrange ā€“ a granary or barn

Lamar ā€“ The sea

Lambert ā€“ bright land

Landry ā€“ powerful land

Lane ā€“ spear

Langlois ā€“ the English

Laval ā€“ of the valley

Lavigne ā€“ vineyard

Lavoie ā€“ someone who lived by a road

Le Borgne ā€“ the one-eyed

Le Beau ā€“ the beautiful

Leclerc ā€“ the clerk

Lefebvre ā€“ craftsman

Leger ā€“ people spear

Lejeune ā€“ young

Lemaire ā€“ the mayor

Lemaitre ā€“ the master

Lenoir ā€“ black

Leroux ā€“ red-skinned

Leroy ā€“ The King

Le Sueur ā€“ one who sews

Levasseur ā€“ a shoemaker

Loup ā€“ Wolf


Marchal ā€“ horse

Marchand ā€“ a merchant or trader,

Martel ā€“ hammer

Matthieu ā€“ a gift of the Lord

Milhaud ā€“ grind in a mill house

Moreau ā€“ dark-skinned

Moulin ā€“ mill


Ozanne ā€“ save pray


Page ā€“ child

Palmer ā€“ palm bearer

Paquet ā€“ a bundle of kindling

Pascal ā€“ relating to Easter

Pelissier ā€“ fur cloak

Picard ā€“ a person from Picardy

Plamondon ā€“ flat mountain

Plantier ā€“ someone who lived by a plantation 

Plessis ā€“ weave

Plourde ā€“ a harvester

Poirier ā€“ pear tree

Poirot ā€“ a grower or seller of pears

Pomeroy ā€“ apple orchard

Porcher ā€“ swineherd

Poulin ā€“ someone who owned chickens

Prevost ā€“ to place in charge

Proulx ā€“ worthy

Pueyrredon ā€“ rounded hill


Rayne ā€“ queen

Reason ā€“ the power of reason

Remy ā€“ oarsman

Renouard ā€“ rule

Ricard ā€“ brave

Richelieu ā€“ wealthy place

Riviere ā€“ river

Robida ā€“ bramble

Robillard ā€“ illustrious or brilliant

Roche ā€“ renown

Rodier ā€“ rose

Rossignol ā€“ nightingale

Rousseau ā€“ red

Rutter ā€“ footpad


Sale ā€“ a hall

Sartre ā€“ tailor

Sauveterre ā€“ safe land

Schaeffer ā€“ Steward of the household

Segal ā€“ assistant of the high priest

Sergeant ā€“ to serve

Serres ā€“ a chain of hills

Serrurier ā€“ locksmith

Simon ā€“ hearing

Soulier ā€“ shoemaker


Tardy ā€“ slow

Tasse ā€“ purse, bag

Tavernier ā€“ innkeeper

Thibaut ā€“ bold or brave

Toussaint ā€“ all saints

Travers ā€“ passage

Tremblay ā€“ a place planted with aspens

Trottier ā€“ to walk fast

Royal Last Names start with V

Vachon ā€“ cow

Vadeboncoeur ā€“ Go with a merry heart

Vaillancourt ā€“ low-lying farm

Vaillant ā€“ brave

Valade ā€“ dweller in a valley

Vannier ā€“ basket-maker

Varon ā€“ man

Vautour ā€“ a nickname for a rapacious man

Vaux ā€“ valley

Veilleux ā€“ watch or guard

Vercher ā€“ one who owned and worked his land

Verne ā€“ Dweller Among The Ferns

Verville ā€“ towards

Vieux ā€“ old

Vigeant ā€“ village

Vigneau ā€“ someone who lived in Limousin

Villeneuve ā€“ a new settlement

Vinet ā€“ Decent, domesticated

Violette ā€“ purple

Visage ā€“ face

Voclain ā€“ the son of the wealthy one

Voland ā€“ the art of fighting territory


Wack ā€“ bad

Webster ā€“ weaver

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