Last Names & Surnames

50+ Famous Worst Last Names (2023)

We all have last names, but some are better than others. This blog post will look at some of the worst last names. From embarrassing to difficult to pronounce, these names will make you cringe. There are a lot of last names out there that are just bad. Like, bad. Most of them are probably surnames that have been around for centuries and passed down through the generations, but some modern last names are just as bad. Here are some of the worst last names out there. So if you’re looking for a good laugh, or want to feel better about your last name, read on!

History of Worst Last Names

Unfortunately, there are many last names out there with dark histories. Here are just a few of the worst last names and the stories behind them. The first on our list is the last name “Hitler.” This name was made famous by one of the evilest men in history, Adolf Hitler. He was responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.

Another notorious last name is “Stalin.” This was the surname of Joseph Stalin, one of the most ruthless political leaders in history. Stalin was responsible for the deaths of millions of people during his authority as leader of the Soviet Union. Last but not least is “bin Laden.” This name will be associated with terrorism due to Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.

What is the Worst Last Name You’ve Heard Of?

There are a lot of last names out there that can be considered “worst” for one reason or another. But the worst last name has to be something that is either incredibly difficult to pronounce or just plain weird. Some of the most difficult last names to pronounce include surnames like O’Toole, which can be especially tough for non-Irish people. Then some last names are just plain strange, like Butt (yes, really).

  1. Smellie
  2. Bumstead
  3. Butt
  4. Fartingale
  5. Crapper
  6. Poopflinger
  7. Dingleberry
  8. Mudflap
  9. Gigglefitz
  10. clitoris

Top 15 Worst Last Names

When it comes to last names, there are a lot of options out there. Have you ever wondered what the worst last names are? Well, wonder no more! This blog post will explore some of the most unfortunate last names. Sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained by some of the worst last names around. But some last names are just downright bad. Here are the 20 worst last names and their meanings and origins:

Top Worst Last Names

  1. Bumstead – This last name is similar to Butt in that it sounds like a body part. It comes from the Old English word ‘boosted,’ which means ‘outbuilding or shed in which dung is kept.’ 
  2. Beadle: This name is derived from the Old English word “bydel,” which means “messenger.” Not a bad meaning, but not a great one either.
  3. Blight – A plant disease or something that spoils or damages
  4. Blubber – Excess fat or something that is excessively emotional
  5. Butt: Yep, this is an actual last name. Not exactly praising. This one is funny because it sounds like a body part. It comes from the Old English word ‘button,’ which means ‘short and thick-set person.’ So basically, if you have the last name Butt, people will think you’re a short and stocky person with a big butt!
  6. Boor – A rude or unmannerly person
  7. Chumley: This last name is derived from the Old English word “cuma,” which means “waste.” Yeah, not exactly something you want your last name to be associated with.
  8. Clod – A lump or chunk of earth or clay
  9. Crap – Excrement or something that is of poor quality
  10. Creech – A crevice or crack
  11. Dumpster – Of English origin, this name was given to someone who worked as a garbage collector or lived near a trash dump.
  12. Death – This is probably the most literal of all last names and was likely given to someone in charge of disposing of bodies during medieval times.
  13. Diggle: This name is thought to be derived from the Old English word “dygel,” which means “puddle.” Not exactly something you want your name to be associated with.
  14. Dweeb – An awkward or uncool person
  15. Dork – An overly serious or dull person
  16. Dump – To drop or throw down carelessly
  17. Fart – Flatulence or a foolish person
  18. Flack – Public relations or press agent
  19. Fink – A despicable or disloyal person
  20. Frump – An unattractive or dowdy person
  21. Gawk – To stare in a rude or obvious manner
  22. Geek – A socially awkward person or an expert in a particular field
  23. Gloom – A state of sadness or melancholy
  24. Grump – A surly or bad-tempered person
  25. Grime – Dirt or filth
  26. Harsh – Unpleasant or rough in sound or texture
  27. Hussy – A promiscuous or immoral woman
  28. Harker – A barking or noisy person
  29. Haddock: This last name comes from the Old Norse word “hathak,” which refers to a type of fish. While it’s not necessarily a negative meaning, it’s not exactly positive either.
  30. Jibber – To talk rapidly and indistinctly
  31. Jolt – A sudden, violent movement or shock
  32. Killer – Obviously, this last name was given to someone with a reputation for killing people. It could also be an occupational name for someone who worked in a graveyard or morgue.
  33. Kline – A slope or incline
  34. Klutz – An awkward or clumsy person
  35. Leer – To look with a sideways or suggestive glance
  36. Lush – A heavy drinker or something lush or abundant
  37. Muck – Mud or dirt
  38. Mope – To feel depressed or listless
  39. Noodle – A stupid or weak-minded person
  40. Nasty – Disgusting or offensive
  41. Oaf – A stupid, awkward, or uncivilized person
  42. Pestilence – This name comes from the Latin word for curse and was given to someone believed to be infected with the disease.
  43. Poison – This last name could come from an occupational name for someone who worked with poisonous chemicals or plants, or it could be a sign of bad fortune for the family.
  44. Poole – Another gross last name, Poole, is derived from the Old English word ‘Poole,’ which means ‘pool of water or sewage.’ So basically, if you have the last name Poole, people will think you come from a family of dirty water dwellers!
  45. Pest – An irritating or troublesome person or thing
  46. Puke – To vomit or something revolting or distasteful
  47. Quell – To put an end to or suppress
  48. Quack – A fraudulent or unqualified doctor or healer
  49. Rotten – Decayed or putrid
  50. Rascal – A mischievous or dishonest person
  51. Smellie: This last name is derived from the Old English word “smelian,” which means “to smell bad. This last name is just plain gross. It’s derived from the Old English word ‘smelan,’ which means ‘to smell.’ So basically, if you have the last name Smellie, people will think you stink!
  52. Shriek – A high-pitched scream or something that is very unpleasant
  53. Slob – An untidy or slovenly person
  54. Scuzzy – Dirty or scummy
  55. Snob – A person who looks down on those considered to be of lower social status
  56. Squirt – A small or insignificant amount of liquid or a person who is regarded as unimportant
  57. Taint – To contaminate or corrupt
  58. Twit – A foolish or silly person
  59. Ugly – Unattractive or unpleasant to look at
  60. Yawner – A person who yawns frequently or excessively
  61. Yob – A rowdy or uncivilized person.
  62. Vile – Disgusting or offensive
  63. Wario – A Japanese name meaning “bad guy,” this is likely an occupational name for someone who worked as a bodyguard or enforcer.
  64. Wimp – A weak or ineffectual person
  65. Wuss – A timid or cowardice person
  66. Zit – A pimple or skin blemish


There are a lot of last names out there that sound plain old weird. And while some of these names may not be the most popular in the world, they’re the most interesting. So, if you’re looking for a list of the worst last names, you’ve come to the right place. There are a lot of last names out there that are just plain awful. Whether they’re difficult to pronounce, make people laugh, or sound strange, these names can burden those with them. If you’re considering giving your child the last name that might be on this list, think twice. It could be more trouble than it’s worth.

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